Read 1 Corinthians 13
Divine Love never fails. Divine Love solves every problem. Statements like these appear again and again in Metaphysical book, and, of course, they are perfectly true; Certain it is that many people firmly believe them, and yet have obviously have been unable to prove them in demonstration. Why is this?
The explanation is that, consciously or unconsciously, people think of love as some sort of power outside of themselves; and they expect that presently, if they beg hard enough, this power will come down and rescue them. There is, in fact, no such outside power, and therefore you cannot receive help in that way. The only place where love can exist, as far as you are concerned, is in your own heart. Any love that is not in you heart does not exist for you.
The thing for you to do, then, is to fill your own heart with Love, by thinking it, feeling it, and expressing it; and when this sense of love is vivid enough it will heal you and solve your problems, and it will enable you to heal others to. This is the Law of Being and none of us can change it.
Yea I have loved thee with an everlasting love - Jeremiah 31:3
This is such a beautiful passage and it is so true for me in my life. This idea that I needed to come to believe that a power greater than myself could restore me to sanity, (Step 2 of AA's Twelve Steps) was always tough to swallow. I am beginning to understand why I struggled with this. In the past, I always thought I was having a hard time with the "sanity" reference. In reality, I believe I was struggling with the "ANY POWER WILL DO" concept taught in AA. I know a man who uses a football as his higher power, and I'm sure you have heard the old doorknob is my higher power nonsense. One one had, the program of AA claims that the program must have depth and weight, (credibility) and then on the other had, you have an ANY POWER WILL DO nonsense. So to reference the main object of the Big Book - to help you find a power greater than yourself that will solve your problem for you again, I always believe that that power needed to come from "outside" of me. In other words, my interpretation of the "Higher Power" has always been a force outside and totally separate from me. Something that if called upon would enter me somehow and solve my problem. Here's an opinion. I believe the AA religion really has itself as its Higher Power. It is often suggested that if a person is having a hard time believing in a power greater than himself, they should use AA or the group as their higher power. How about the reference to GOD as Group of Drunks. Hmmmmm.
How about this... The Kingdom of God is inside ALL of us and all around us. There is no magic separate power out there that will solve ANY of my problems. I can tap in to the infinite power that resides in me though. I don't need to connect with an outside power, I need to awaken the God given inside power. Could it be possible that the only reason the AA religion stays alive is because people have turned the program and the groups in to their higher power? Isn't this what Bill W. and crew were hoping for when they created the "selfish" program of AA? A self-loathing, dependent, body of sheep that would never question the validity of AA's twelve steps. I am so happy to be thinking for myself!
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