Genesis means origin or beginning, and this, the first book of the Bible explains how things and conditions come into existence. Genesis deals with the creative power of thought. The first section deals with generic thought. The second, the story of Adam and Eve, deals with specific thought, or how a given person builds every condition that exists in his life. The sections covering Cain and Able, the tower of Babel, the flood, the story of Abraham and his family, the story of Joseph and his brethren, all deal in different ways with the creative power of thought, showing how it is the Genesis of all things that exist. The book of Genesis is partly allegorical and partly historical. Unless you have the spiritual meaning behind the story you do not possess the Bible at all.
The covenant of Sinai, necessary and good in its place, signifies the attempt to order things from the outside and is, of course, much better than anarchy; but he who is on the spiritual path must pass beyond this to the spiritual Jerusalem, which is the ordering of things from the inside by the practice of the presence of God. This is the New Jerusalem that cometh straight down from God out of Heaven.
And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven (Revelation 21:2).
The book of Genesis having explained the creative power of thought, the other books of the Bible then proceed to illustrate the way in which the laws of thought work in different circumstances, but Genesis is the foundation of it all.
It’s amazing how literally I have tried to interpret the Bible. It has always been a struggle for me to accept the Bible in an absolute and literal sense. It has been especially difficult for me to blindly accept certain chronological and historical writings. Rather than get all wrapped up in inconsistencies I have decided to pray for the Holy Spirit to help me discern. I have prayed for God to reveal His truth to me. One thing I am beginning to get clarity on though is the gift I have been given to practice the presence of God. I am doing this these days to the best of my ability and the results have been indescribable.
I have been thinking about the similarities between the Bible and the Big Book. Perhaps one of the reasons I have always struggled with the program of AA is that so much emphasis is placed on this poorly written, human creation. Some people in AA actually believe Bill Wilson was a prophet. This is sad to me. Bill Wilson was a man trying to wrestle with his demons as best he could. Rumor has it he screwed a lot of people over and begged for a shot of whisky on his deathbed. Doesn’t sound like freedom ever found Bill. But freedom doesn’t really find any of us does it? We find freedom and I am beginning to believe the search for freedom is a very individual and personal quest. I have to say it makes me more than a little angry that AA has received the blessing of our court system and become the foundation for over 95% of all drug and alcohol treatment programs.
My Prayer
Lord, I pray for your wisdom and for the ability to accurately discern the spiritual principles of the Bible. I pray that I would be loving and patient with my family and become a good teacher and role model for them to follow.
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